Welcoming Athletic Turf to the family

By |  January 22, 2014
AthleticTurf.net, launched today, is the source for sports turf news.

AthleticTurf.net, launched today, is the source for sports turf news. Photo: Athletic Turf

Today, North Coast Media, Golfdom and Landscape Management are excited to unveil the new and improved website for sports turf news, AthleticTurf.net.

The new website includes industry news, exclusive content, the latest product innovations and business management solutions. The improvements in AthleticTurf.net will also be seen in Athletic Turf’s monthly enewsletter, Athletic Turf News (ATN). ATN is sent out on the third Friday of every month to more than 10,000 subscribers.

For those of you interested in sports turf, Athletic Turf’s Facebook and Twitter pages are also up and running. Check them out at facebook.com/AthleticTurfNews and twitter.com/Athletic_Turf!

So if you are a subscriber to ATN and have always wanted more, give AthleticTurf.net a look through. If you aren’t subscribed to ATN yet, but are interested in learning more about sports turf, get started with the website and go from there!

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About the Author: Molly Gase

Molly Gase was an Associate Editor for Golfdom and Athletic Turf. Gase is a recent graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University with a master’s degree in Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism.

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