The new look is live!
We’re live!
If it hasn’t hit your mailbox yet, here it is… the newly redesigned GOLFDOM. We hope you enjoy.
I’ve got it here on my desk, and I’m excited about the way it looks. Now that I’m holding the issue in my hands, I’m happy it’s all finally come together. But I’m like many of you in that I’m rarely satisfied with the finished product, so I’m already thinking of ways we can improve on this foundation… but we’ve got a solid foundation for sure. We’ll keep tweaking and work on perfecting what we’ve started.
What do you think of the way the new logo stretches off the sides of the cover? What about the new paper finish we’re using for the cover? What about Starter? The golf joke? My Second Office? The redesigned 19th Hole? …Super Science???
Leave me your comments here or shoot me an email. We would love to hear your feedback.