The day when comic books and golf collide

By |  August 26, 2011

I’m working from Cleveland this week. Golfdom is headquartered in Cleveland, but I live near Lawrence, Kan. So I only get up to HQ a few times a year.

I’m a big comic book fan. Been collecting comics since I could read. Spider-Man is my favorite, next would be Captain America (until the current writer ruined him, that is.)

So I was thrilled to learn that the comic book-themed movie “The Avengers” was being filmed in Golfdom’s home city of Cleveland. The above photos were taken just a few blocks away from our office. The one set is a city block, and it has been made up to look like there’s been a serious battle on the streets of New York. The other set has been made to look like a German beer garden.

I did stop by one evening to see what I could spot of filming. Sadly, no one approached me about joining the cast as a villain or a sidekick. And I really couldn’t see much at all since they kept everyone back about a block.

Still… pretty cool to be able to see the sets!

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