Our golf course advice columnist shares his beverage of choice as alcoholic seltzers have become the latest fad and also scribbles on if he'll ever retire. ...
I understand New York doesn’t allow a fertilizer application before April 1; is there a reason for this other than an April Fools’ joke? — Kennedy Ellis, @KennedyAnneTurf, Michigan The New York State Dishwasher Detergent and Nutrient Runoff Law ...
Golfdom EIC Seth Jones checks in with Thad Thompson, superintendent at Terry Hills GC in Batavia, N.Y., to discuss how he’s working in the pandemic; the conditions he hopes to achieve with a closed course; and the importance of checking ...
Thad Thompson Superintendent // Terry Hills GC, Batavia, N.Y. So, Thad, this will be the first 19th Hole I’ve done in a state of emergency. Our governor declared a state of emergency last night at midnight before the snow even ...
With rounds up, open-minded superintendents see the potential for gains in 2017. When it comes to expectations for the economy of the golf industry, numbers have remained relatively steady over the last four years, with the only major change coming ...
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