Tag: GreenSight Agronomics
When you think about a tech startup, you might envision a residential house stocked with young, tech-savvy hipsters all hunched over laptops, with an accouterment of off-hours amusements dotting the periphery. Once some venture capital firm swoops in, infusing said
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As one of the five founding clubs of the USGA, Shinnecock Hills has a storied past. But when it came time to prepare for the U.S. Open, Jon Jennings, CGCS, and his team turned to some pretty cutting-edge turf technology
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GreenSight Agronomics, a 3-year-old drone services and solutions provider, has acquired Turf Cloud, expanding GreenSight’s ability to deliver more data, actionable information and efficiencies to turf managers across North America. GreenSight’s primary business centers on remote sensing and analysis. Daily drone
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