Photo: PBI-Gordon

Since 1947, PBI-Gordon Corp. has been a premier formulator of herbicides, partnering with companies all over the world. Our fellow turf pros often have questions about a new fungicide, but the most common question about a new product is “How long did it take to come up with that?”

To help answer that question, we’ve compiled a list of articles to help you improve and understand the fungicide pipeline process.

Right time, right spot

Five years ago, David McCall, Ph.D., did a survey of Virginia superintendents and asked them what turf nuisance was trending upward for them. He learned that 85 percent of them were growing bermudagrass, almost all of them were battling spring dead spot and a majority of them were using fungicides to combat it.

Check out this article to learn more about the results.

Read the full article

Watch the following video where David McCall, Ph.D., and Wendell Hutchens, Ph.D. candidate discuss on the success that Kabuto offers when treating turf diseases such as dollar spot and spring dead spot.


Safe shelter from Pythium

Photo: Shelter Harbor Golf Club

Photo: Lambrecht Photography

Located in Charlestown, R.I., in the southwestern portion of the state, Shelter Harbor GC is a member-owned private equity club situated on roughly 400 acres. The club has a temperate oceanic climate, leading to a variety of temperature extremes, from very mild to very hot in the summertime, and mild to very warm in the winter.

As a result of the extreme weather, the club’s 27-hole facility encounters a wide array of turfgrass diseases every year, including brown patch, fairy ring, summer patch and various forms of Pythium, such as blight and root rot.

Check out this feature on tips to overcome the extreme variations in weather conditions.

Read the full article


Preventive control of Pythium Root Dysfunction

Creeping bentgrass, a cool-season turfgrass, is ideal for greens because it tolerates extremely close mowing and produces a uniform playing surface. In North Carolina, symptoms of pythium root dysfunction typically develop during the summer months, when creeping bentgrass is subjected to heat and drought stress. Symptoms initially develop as wilt or chlorosis then progress to foliar decline, which is likely due to rapid dieback of roots.

Learn how to improve the management of PRD.

Read the full article

Photo: Pythium_Fig1

Photo: Pythium Figure 1

Photo: PBI-Gordon

Photo: PBI-Gordon

The PBI-Gordon fungicide pipeline process

Working with our global partners, PBI-Gordon has added five fungicides to our line, including Segway® Fungicide SC, Kabuto® Fungicide SC, Tekken® Broad Spectrum Fungicide, Pedigree Fungicide SC and UnionTM Fungicide SC.

Here’s a look at the process of launching a fungicide product, beginning with a partnership.

Read the full article.



Header Image: Lambrecht Photography

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