Seed Research of Oregon market update

By |  April 25, 2013

Got this email from Seed Research of Oregon today. You can sign up to be on their e-mail list by clicking here.

The weather world is upside down.  The Willamette Valley has sunny, rain-free days while there is rain, cold temperatures and flooding from the Rockies to the eastern States. At present the Willamette Valley is approximately 14 inches below normal for the water year that began Oct 1, 2012. When you calculate that out, it means we have had 70 more rain-free days this year than normal!  No wonder the farmers are all sunburned.

We would gladly exchange three weeks of sun in Oregon for three weeks of dry and sunny weather in the mid-west. Spring shipments are down due to the extended winter and delayed spring. Trucks are still moving, but at a much slower pace than expected. When and where weather is good we see an uptick in distributor activity.

Production fields look good at this point with adequate soil moisture. Fertilizer and chemical applications are in place. Growers continue to expand into alternative crops as diversification is the new mantra. Another interesting year already, with new crop coming on.

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