Rain Bird, MTF present Water Summit
EAST LANSING, MICH.—The Intelligent Use of Water Summit XIII: “Play on! Water Issues in Today’s Sport Turf Environment” is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013. Rain Bird and Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF) are partnering to present the Summit at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich.
This unique event will focus on providing greater insight into the science and application sides of turf management in water-sensitive environments. A panel of experts will make brief presentations and then discuss the topics of water quality,turfgrass science, irrigation design, sports turf and golf course design with regard to efficient water use.
The panel of turfgrass, environmental and water experts includes:
- Dr. Ali Harivandi, University of California Cooperative, Extension Area Specialist
- Shawn Emerson, Director of Agronomy, Desert Mountain Club
- Dr. Stacy Bonos, Rutgers Turfgrass Institute
- Kenny Mangum, Director of Golf Courses and Grounds, Atlanta Athletic Club
- Mike Boekholder, Head Groundskeeper, Philadelphia Phillies
- Carol Colein, Executive Director, ASIC
- Murray Cook, President, Brickman Sports Turf
- Mitchell Langley, Owner, MDL Consulting
A keynote address will be given by Charles Fishman, New York Times best-selling author of the book, The Big Thirst.
Registration is free of charge. Learn more at http://mtfconference.org/