Profile Products ‘Show You’re a PRO’ contest under way

By |  September 7, 2012

BUFFALO GROVE, IL—Profile Products is rewarding contractors who apply ProMatrix Engineered Fiber Matrix (EFM) on a project, test plot or demonstration site now through Nov. 30.

To enter the “Show You’re a PRO” giveaway, contractors should visit and fill out the online form briefly explaining the project details and their impressions of ProMatrix and its performance. They are encouraged to upload project photos or videos as well.

All entrants will receive a gift box that includes a safety vest, flex-fit cap, ProMatrix T-shirt and ProMatrix helmet stickers with a total estimated retail of $100. They will also be entered in a random drawing for the grand prize worth approximately $1,500—one pallet of ProMatrix and two 50° spray nozzles.

Introduced this summer, ProMatrix is a Profile-quality, engineered fiber matrix that also offers class-leading erosion control effectiveness and a 600% minimum increase in initial germination based on independent testing. With a recommended 60 lbs. per 100 gal. of water, ProMatrix is the highest-loading product among Bonded Fiber Matrices (BFMs). It is a cost-effective alternative to BFM and Stabilized Mulch Matrix (SMM) products. ProMatrix is best suited for projects needing to effectively reduce turbidity and runoff for up to 12 months.

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