Pinehurst question
If you’ve got any specific questions for the guys at Pinehurst, email them my way… I’ll be happy to ask them.
I’ll also be with some of the big brains from Bayer — likewise with those guys.
And you can always follow along on Twitter: @Golfdom.
In other news…
We’ve had some really good reaction to the April issue (Road Warriors cover) thus far. I always expect some hate mail, and always (mostly) appreciate the fresh perspective. None so far, but still plenty of time. If I get any, I’ll probably run it in the magazine (June issue.)
I didn’t realize it until he texted me, but I guess Brian Cloud (far right on the cover) is flashing a gang sign or something on the cover. That thumb’s up? I guess that is ‘Gig ’em Aggies,’ whatever that means. Just a reminder that the hand signs flashed on our cover do not represent the feelings of the staff…
We’re almost wrapped with the May issue… It’ll be a big one. These next three issues, actually, we’ve got some big stuff planned.
Ok, nap time for this flight to Baltimore. See you next from Pinehurst Resort!