New Hunter Industries president Greg Hunter positioned for success

By |  February 25, 2013

Just got off the phone with Greg Hunter. In the wake of his father Richard’s recent retirement, Hunter talked to us about how it feels to fill his father’s shoes as company president, his own strengths and his goals for the company.

“I’ve been working for this for most of my life, and I feel very comfortable and very well prepared for it,” he said. “There’s been a lot of effort made over the years to make sure I’ve had the right kind of exposure, and I feel very confident.”

As for following in his father’s footsteps, Hunter said, “There are some things I’ll never be able to do as well as he does.”But Hunter is his own man, and he’s looking forward to drawing on his own strengths as president — especially his marketing savvy — to grow the company into the future.

We’ll have more of our interview with Greg Hunter in our March issue!

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