It’s a Gas?

By |  May 22, 2006

We don’t talk much about sports anymore around here. The water-cooler chatter these days has to do with gas prices.
“Will prices reach $3 a gallon?”
“What will prices be next year at this time?”
“Are you still planning on purchasing that Toyota Prius?”
Last year Golfdom covered rising fuel costs extensively online and in the magazine. Back then superintendents and other industry people were making plans on how to deal with rising prices. Well, it’s a year later folks, and we’d like to know how you’re dealing with almost three bucks a gallon (in some regions of the country it’s more).
Let us know by posting your blog here.
By the way, here’s to using more PGR’s to cut back on mowing. And here’s to taking the bus.

— Larry Aylward, editor in chief

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