In Memoriam: Herbert Cole
AVON LAKE, OHIO—Herbert A. Cole, 82, of Avon Lake, Ohio, and formerly of Findlay, Ohio, passed away suddenly on Nov. 2. Cole was a 46-year member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and was a longtime member of many other turf grass and lawn care associations.
After starting his industry career at H.D. Hudson Manufacturing, Cole joined the Lakeshore Equipment and Supply Co. (LESCO) in 1963 as its first salesman. He was promoted in 1977 to Midwest area manager, responsible for four LESCO trucks, which were the company’s innovative “stores on wheels,” calling on golf courses in the Midwest. When Cole retired in 1995 as vice president of sales, he was responsible for 43 LESCO trucks nationwide with more than $28 million in sales.
Cole is survived by his wife of 56 years, Sabra, his four children, Bruce (Trudi) of San Francisco, David (Stephannie) of Avon Lake, Ohio, Brian (Page) of Fairfax, Calif., and Laurie (Inderjit) of Chicago, four grandchildren, and seven siblings. To leave a comment on his online legacy page, please click here.