Hurricane blows away Summit attendees

By |  December 5, 2013

Photo: Golfdom Staff

Today at the Golfdom Summit, Superintendents had many one-on-one meetings with this year’s sponsors. Along with having their questions asked and exchanging cards, they were able to test out some equipment.

Throughout the day, we heard quite a buzz about the Hurricane Blo-Vac. Hurricane’s stand on riding blower has the ability to blow debris not only from the left, but also the right and front. The machine can clip down course paths, clearing debris varying from leaves and twigs, to small logs.

The product was presented by Rick Weihl, the president and inventor of the Blo-Vac. Weihl had worked in the landscape industry and desired to have a blower that could easily switch directions while in operation. The Hurricane Blo-Vac is his solution to clearing leaves.

After hearing superintendents chatting about the Blo-Vac throughout the day, we caught up with Weihl. “A lot of people say they have never seen anything like it before and it will fit their niche well,” says Weihl. He was happy to say that they have heard no negative responses about their product so far from the Golfdom Summit group.

One feature that caught the attention of attendees was the ability to quickly switch the direction of air while operating the equipment. “The biggest thing is to be able to blow three ways and be able to switch directions of air flow within two seconds,” says Weihl.

Approximately 1,000 units have been sold thus far. More information about the product can be found at

During his presentation this morning, Weihl did give one warning about the product…It has enough power when blowing to knock someone’s feet out from underneath them. For you practical jokers out there, here’s another tool for your arsenal.

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About the Author: Molly Gase

Molly Gase was an Associate Editor for Golfdom and Athletic Turf. Gase is a recent graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University with a master’s degree in Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism.

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