Hendren’s Hyperbole! Episode 12 — I hope my wife doesn’t beat me!

By |  March 22, 2011

Welcome back to another March Madness edition of Hendren’s Hyperbole! I hope everyone made it a priority to sign up for the Golfdom Bracket Challenge before the deadline last Thursday. If not it wasn’t due to a lack of effort on Golfdom’s part to get the word out! All together 57 people signed up! Not bad for our first go at a bracket challenge.

We also picked up two sponsors for this little game – SubAir and Rain Bird. Thanks guys! When you throw in that Golfdom is also in on the action, I think that means about a third of our field will score a prize of some sort.

As far as the bracket goes there is still a lot of basketball left to play so I won’t get into predictions as to who will win the bracket pool. It wouldn’t matter if I did because I am tied for 19th with several other people including my wife. I am never going to hear the end of it if she beats me! That can’t happen right? I would like to point out several Golfdom employees are toward the top of the list. Is this a coincidence? Has to be, after all I am the commissioner and I run a tight ship!

I don’t know if you caught the poll posted along with my last post but if you didn’t everyone feels the same way I do about Tiger. 100% of the people who participated in the poll don’t think I am being too hard on Tiger and like I have previously stated, majority rules here at Hendren’s Hyperbole! Granted, only eight people took the time to vote but I am sure everyone agrees with me that Tiger is a bum, even if they didn’t take the time to vote.

It has been the busiest week ever here in hyperbole land so that is going to have to be it for this week’s post. I will get back on track next week with some golf takes that will make you cringe a little.

Thanks for reading!

— Matt Hendren

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