Hello from the GCSAA tournament

By |  February 4, 2011

Hey everyone,

We got down here to West Palm Beach unscathed. Now we’re just ready to play some golf and spread the Golfdom love.

So far, I’m impressed. The GCSAA crew puts on quite the event, from what I can tell — and I haven’t even set foot on a course yet! I never got to visit a GCSAA tournament in my previous career, so this is a first for both me and my sales guy, Jason DeSarle.

The most common thing I heard today was, “So, I heard you had to buy a membership!”

Well, sure I did! I was proud to buy one! I’m happy to be a card-carrying member now. It’s exciting. (Now I just want to see that subscription to GCM start rolling in!)

We’ll see how the golf goes tomorrow. It’s already better than expected since I’ll be rocking a new pair of shades and a range finder. Look for regular updates on both Twitter and the blog.

And the best news from south Florida so far? A handle of Captain Morgan… only $20. USEFUL.

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