Have you seen the kitty cat?

By |  July 13, 2012

First we told you about the “phantom” cow that made Sunflower Hills Golf Course his home, as published here and in our July issue (pg. 8). Now we bring you news of a cat that’s gone missing from her stomping grounds, Palmira Golf Course (St. John, Ind.).

The white feline, also known as Snowball, has resided on Palmira Golf Course for 10 years and hasn’t been seen on the course since Sunday. Palmira owner Kelly Nicpon told The Times of northwest Indiana, “We found her as a kitten…. She’s become a golf course cat. She never leaves the premises.”

But when course superintendent Bill Zientara went to feed Muffins as usual Monday morning, the feline wasn’t there. The Times reports that the cat’s disappearance has “baffled those who knew her as the friendly cat who jumps up on golf carts, snacks on special treats and even poses for photos.”

Here’s hoping Muffins returns home soon!

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