I know Hendren will get into this more tomorrow, but just an early head’s up… it’s Hack-Off time!
For the U.S. Open I gave away a sweet pair of Spy sunglasses for first place, as well as some sweet prizes for 2nd and 3rd. Fair warning: I’ve got some really cool prizes — perhaps the best yet — lined up for the PGA! So get signed up!
Here’s the blurb I’ve got going in the next Golfdom Insider email newsletter:
Participate in the Great Golfdom Hack-Off!
Once again Golfdom will be where the world of golf is… this time that place is the Atlanta Athletic Club for the PGA Championship. We’ll be reporting live from AAC during the week, but in the meantime, let’s have some fun and give away some prizes! Enter your picks for the U.S. Open and you could win a number of great prizes, from gift cards to PGA Championship merchandise to Rain Bird and SubAir golf gear! Just click here for directions on how to enter the Hack-Off!