Great times at GIS

By |  February 5, 2014
IMG_20140205_011907070_HDR Photo: Golfdom Staff

Photo: Golfdom Staff

It is warm outside (really a shocker for those of us who have been stuck in the polar vortex from doom) and we are pumped for the Golf Industry Show to start up tomorrow. While at Senor Frogs in Orlando tonight, we met up with some friends also in town for the GIS. Some of us even hit the dance floor…though all shall remain nameless.

Remember to keep checking here and on our social media feeds (Twitter and Facebook) over the next few days for more updates from this year’s GIS.

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About the Author: Molly Gase

Molly Gase was an Associate Editor for Golfdom and Athletic Turf. Gase is a recent graduate of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University with a master’s degree in Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism.

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