Frank Wong talks about the difficulty of being at a state university

By |  June 1, 2011

I interviewed Frank Wong, Ph.D., recently about his move from UC Riverside to Bayer.

Here’s a good soundbite from our interview regarding the troubles turf schools are facing these days:

“The current conditions with state turf programs does not look good. Most of the schools out there that do agricultural research, the land grant institutions, have always had a significant amount of state and federal funding to support the programs. And that’s the only way you can do it. Now, (dang it), everyone is broke. There’s just the revenue from taxes — things like that aren’t footing the bill anymore. Federal funding to schools have basically flatlined in the last ten years… all of the inputs have basically flatlined while your costs are going up. Overall it’s getting harder and harder for university programs to do what they want to do.”

Look for more from Wong soon!

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