Golfdom to partner with The BoardRoom
Hey everyone — we just sent this out in press release fashion, so I’m also posting it to the blog. We’ve made some new friends in the industry, and we’re quite excited to be partnering with our friends over at The BoardRoom. Nothing will really change in terms of either magazine, other than us sharing some content and helping each other spread the word to our respective readerships.
Read on for the details:
Cleveland, OH — August 21, 2013 — Golfdom, the leading magazine for golf course superintendents, and The BoardRoom, the official publication for The Association of Private Club Directors (APCD), are pleased to announce they have formed a partnership geared to further strengthen and create a more efficient relationship between golf course superintendents and board members of private clubs across the United States and Canada.
“We chose to partner with Golfdom because of its reputation and influence in the industry and our belief that it has some of the best content in the golf course maintenance industry for superintendents,” said John Fornaro, publisher of The BoardRoom magazine and president & CEO of APCD. “It’s very clear Golfdom is just as committed as we are to doing all we can to help the private club industry thrive.”
The magazines’ partnership centers around Golfdom providing for each issue articles for The BoardRoom ‘s “Green” section. The BoardRoom will also periodically contribute content for Golfdom.
“Content will address golf course liability issues, water usage, chemicals, the environment and more – information that will help board members and managers understand what superintendents are up against and how to best deal with it,” said Seth Jones, Golfdom’s editor-in-chief.
“We are confident our board members will gain a new appreciation for what golf course superintendents do and the challenges they face on a daily basis,” said Fornaro. “And equally important, Golfdom’s insights will surely assist the board members in making the best possible fiduciary decisions as it relates to their course budget and management.”
“Superintendents always welcome efforts to educate others about their responsibilities and what keeps them up at night,” said Pat Roberts, Golfdom’s Publisher. “Board members have to deal with numerous challenges themselves relating to the overall course operation. Our partnership will open up the lines of communication and be a benefit to both parties and to the course itself.”
About Golfdom
Award-winning Golfdom magazine and the Golfdom Media Network have 38,499 unique subscribers including the industry’s highest superintendent reach. Golfdom is the only publication that certifies and guarantees its print and digital edition and e-newsletter and website statistics with an independent, verified media audit. Golfdom also produces The Golfdom Summit, a yearly event bringing superintendents together with leading suppliers for a productive and fun few days of education and networking. Golfdom is published by North Coast Media, LLC NCM is the largest business-to-business (B2B) publishing company headquartered in Cleveland.
About The BoardRoom
The BoardRoom magazine is the only publication of its kind that is designed to educate the boards of directors and owners of private golf, city, yacht, tennis and country clubs about issues concerning all aspects of the club, golf course management and operations. The BoardRoom is the official publication of The Association of Private Club Directors.