Bayer CropScience: Tribute Total
Tribute Total post-emergent herbicide can now be used on zoysiagrass. It delivers broad-spectrum control in one complete solution to help golf course superintendents selectively remove troublesome grassy and broadleaf weeds, sedges and kyllingas. Approved for use on Bermudagrass and now zoysiagrass, it is effective against 55 grassy and broadleaf weeds including dallisgrass, crabgrass and yellow and purple nutsedge. At a use rate range of 1 to 3.2 ounces per acre, each 6-ounce container of Tribute Total treats between 1.875 and 6 acres. After application, the product is readily absorbed by the foliage and carried to the site of action in the growing points of the susceptible weed. Additionally, with a 60.5 percent water-dispersible granule formulation, Tribute Total requires less storage space, transportation and less frequent container disposal.