Bayer announces lower use rate for Reserve fungicide

By |  August 9, 2011

Reserve fungicide is now registered at a 7- to 14-day interval with a lower use rate, announced Environmental Science, a business unit of Bayer CropScience LP. Reserve, with StressGard formulation technology, protects turf against many major diseases and improves plant health, resulting in improved turf density and quality, the company states.

“The new Reserve lower use rates allow golf course superintendents to adjust their rates to better fit their spray schedule and needs,” stated Jimmy Johnson, fungicide product manager, Bayer CropScience, Environmental Science division, in a press release. “These lower Reserve rates, 1.6 to 2.8 oz. per 1000 sq.ft., reduce the amount of chlorothalonil used per application, extending the number of chlorothalonil applications that can be made in a season. Superintendents will also appreciate the superior disease control that Reserve is known for against tough diseases such as anthracnose and waitea.”

For more information on Reserve, visit

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