Back from the Barclays

By |  August 27, 2012

I recorded the Sunday round, so I don’t even know who won yet… so don’t tell me who won it! I know this gent was having a good week, though…

Speaking of good weeks, I had an AWESOME week last week. From the Rocky Mountain GCSA meeting to my first tour of Bethpage Black and the Barclays, then a stop by a Mets game… it was a heck of a week for your pal Jonesy.

Now I get ready to hit the road again. Here we go.

#SethonTour continues, this time I’m staying in the Midwest to visit with some important folks. I might let you in on where later. We’ll see. Sometimes we like to be mysterious here at Golfdom.

I did video interviews with both Andy Wilson and Kevin Carroll while at Bethpage. We’ll try to get those up soon.

Here’s a pic of Kevin chatting up the crew before they head out on the evening rounds…

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