Back from Denver

By |  April 13, 2012

I had a great time visiting a handful of courses over 24 hours in Denver. Thanks to all the supers who gave me their time (and Rockies tix!) while I was out there — you know who you are and as soon as I’m done writing this blog, I’ll begin hand-writing some thank you notes.

One thing I didn’t want to bring back from Denver was a cold. I’m sure the gents who sat on either side of me on my Southwest flight are cursing me today. Sorry, guys.

Here’s a pic from one of the courses I visited — Saddle Rock GC in Aurora, where Mike Osley is the CGCS. Everything is on the verge of greening up there. Colorado just endured its driest March ever (they got nothing — zilp, zilch, nada) so the guys are all praying for rain.

A great time in Denver, I look forward to getting back there soon!

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