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About Joel Jackson
Posts by Joel Jackson
Every day that I read The Los Angeles Times I’m reminded of the old entertainment saying that is the headline of this column. We’re deep into motion picture awards season, Read more»
I am not naming names, but this column title almost sounds like it could be a slogan for the 2016 presidential nomination race. Or maybe it’s just an evaluation of Read more»
This column deadline really snuck up on me. You say, “Well, Joel, why didn’t you plan ahead?” Well, folks, I did, but this time I’ve got a good excuse — Read more»
There was an interesting comment online recently about how some folks refer to our most invasive cultural practices as “evils” because they mark up the playing surface for a week Read more»
The new Waters of the U.S. regulatory effort by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers, known as WOTUS, is so far reaching it is more of Read more»
Back in April during National Golf Day, the annual GCSAA-organized trip to Washington, D.C., our delegation reminded legislators that the U.S. golf industry generates $70 billion in economic impact annually, Read more»