AP/Golfdom meeting gets mentioned by… the AP

By |  March 21, 2013

Well, this isn’t something that happens everyday…

AP golf writer Doug Ferguson mentions Golfdom in today’s story on Arnold Palmer. Here’s the excerpt:

Palmer is one of those guys. Always has been. And that’s why so many people want to meet the King.

A staff member came into the room and mentioned two men who were outside the office and wanted to say hello. One was Seth Jones, the editor of Golfdom magazine who recently interviewed Palmer for a project he was working on.

“Well, bring him in,” Palmer said, rising from behind his desk with a broadening smile. Dressed in slacks and a pink shirt, Palmer made sure the two men met everyone in the room and made small talk for a few minutes before closing with that powerful handshake and a smile. “Nice to see you guys,” he told them.

This story has been picked up all over the country. Here are a few examples:


Looks like I was in the right place at the right time.

I did see Doug later that same day (this was on Monday) and chatted with him about Palmer (I wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt any feelings by breaking in on that meeting.) He laughed and told me that our timing was great, and that I would probably be mentioned in his story.

Turns out he wasn’t kidding. Very cool! Always good to get the name Golfdom magazine in papers across the country.

This is posted in Columns

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