Andy Wilson talks soil moisture meters, path to Bethpage

By |  October 12, 2012

Hey everyone,

 It’s been a crazy week as I’ve been in Cleveland most of the week, at North Coast Media headquarters, making plans for 2013. What kind of plans? BIG PLANS, my friends… BIG PLANS.

I’m back now, for two business days. I head out to the Rain Bird Intelligent Use of Water film festival next Tuesday. Look for me to be blogging and Tweeting from that event.

 Anyway, a Golfdom Insider went out this week while I was in CLE. This below was the video we included with it.

 Pay close attention to the part where Andy tells me that Golfdom is indeed his favorite magazine in the industry… it’s at the 1:15 mark… just in case you missed that part.

You know me, I’m here to help!


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