"About me" from the new intern

By |  June 18, 2013

Hey everyone, my name is Molly Bealin and I will be interning with Golfdom this summer. I am going into my senior year at John Carroll University in Cleveland where I’m an English major on the writing track. After doing a semester long internship with my school’s magazine, I found out that a company called Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association (TOCA) was funding an internship with North Coast Media. I had been looking for summer jobs and being able to write everyday was very appealing to me. I jumped at the chance and was very happy when I found out I got the job.

I’m from Troy MI originally and as a result I’m a big Detroit sports fan particularly the Tigers and Redwings, but nothing compares to my love of Notre Dame football. I’m hoping they can scrape together a decent season even though they lost last year’s starting quarterback…my expectations are not overly high.
I’ve always had an interest in sports so I’m excited to work for a magazine related to golf. During my time with Golfdom I’ll be writing and editing article, doing some field reporting, and anything else that might be needed of me. What I write will appear here on the blog and in the hard copy of the magazines.
My goal is to get a job in journalism after I graduate next year so I’m hoping that this internship will help me to do that. I’m looking forward to my time with Golfdom and I hope you enjoy what I write.

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