A special thank you

By |  July 16, 2013

Photo: Golfdom Staff

I’m back in the saddle now following my week in England. Ready to get back to my normal routine. (Which basically means more stateside travel, these days…)

I’ve got a lot more content to post from my week in England, I’ll sprinkle it here over the next few weeks. But before the trek gets too far away in the rearview, I want to give a special thank you to two people: Peter Driver (left) and Adam Slick (right) of Jacobsen.

These two gents joined me for most of the trip. Driver, appropriately, did most of the driving. And Slick kept drinking cask ales with me, even though I know in his heart of hearts he prefers an ice cold American IPA.

Cheers, fellas!

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About the Author: Seth Jones

Seth Jones, a 25-year veteran of the golf industry media, is Editor-in-Chief of Golfdom magazine and Athletic Turf. A graduate of the University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Jones began working for Golf Course Management in 1999 as an intern. In his professional career he has won numerous awards, including a Turf and Ornamental Communicators Association (TOCA) first place general feature writing award for his profile of World Golf Hall of Famer Greg Norman and a TOCA first place photography award for his work covering the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In his career, Jones has accumulated an impressive list of interviews, including such names as George H.W. Bush, Samuel L. Jackson, Lance Armstrong and Charles Barkley. Jones has also done in-depth interviews with such golfing luminaries as Norman, Gary Player, Nick Price and Lorena Ochoa, to name only a few. Jones is a member of both the Golf Writers Association of America and the Turf and Ornamental Communicators Association. Jones can be reached at sjones@northcoastmedia.net.

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