A deeper look into PCNB’s snow mold control

By |  October 1, 2013

In this month’s issue we published a story by Charles Silcox, Ph.D., looking at the past, present and future of PCNB as it celebrates its 50th year in the industry. Here, we share three complete reports on PCNB and snow mold control from the University of Massachusetts, the University of Wisconsin and Washington State University.


2013 UMass Snow Mold Data Summary

2013 UMass Snow Mold Data Summary



2012-2013 PCNB Auxiliary Snow Mold Control Evaluation


AMVAC-Turfcide 400 and AMV4820 alone, combined with other fungicides, or compared to other fungicides to control pink and gray snow mold on fairways 2012-13

AMVAC-Turfcide 400 and AMV4820 alone, combined with other fungicides, or compared to other fungicides to control pink and gray snow mold on fairways 2012-13




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